Individuals At Risk
We understand that people become ‘vulnerable’ or ‘at risk’ for a number of reasons, but it is often due to loss of mental capacity following an accident or the onset of a mental health condition such as dementia.
If you support someone vulnerable or at risk, we recommend obtaining expert legal advice to support them and you in your responsibilities.
Our team offers advice and assistance on a range of issues, including:
- Reviewing your Will (and your spouse’s or partner’s) in the best way to protect inheritance for your loved ones or beneficiaries
- Preparing Living Wills or Advance Decisions regarding end-of-life wishes
- Registering Enduring Powers of Attorney
- Creating Lasting Powers of Attorney to support you with Property & Financial and Health & Welfare decisions
- Preparing applications to the Court of Protection
- The management of someone’s finances under a Power of Attorney or Court of Protection authority
We are there for you, for whatever you need.
Your Bennett Griffin Team