Our COVID-19 articles

UK Extends Commercial Property Moratorium

Earlier this year, we wrote a blog detailing the temporary moratorium on evictions introduced by section 82 of the Coronavirus Act 2020 in our blog Government moves to provide commercial tenants with further protection. This month, it was...


To you, our NHS staff and your families

The support, commitment and kindness shown by you this year has been inspirational. Along with every hardworking doctor, nurse and carer, you have really stepped up when we needed you. We want to say, thank you. And we want to do what we...


Domestic Abuse & Covid 19

Update - July 2020: Aside from the above, Domestic abuse takes so many different, very personal forms and the Covid-19 Lockdown has heightened, increased and disclosed the incidence of this often hidden crime. With the Lockdown easing for most of...